lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

Noticias de Richelle Mead

Hola a todos.Tenemos noticias de Richelle gracias al facebook Vampire Academy.Nuestro adorado Adrian por lo visto hará de las suyas en toda la serie.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Richelle tells us to find more people to read the Bloodlines series because it's 50% of Adrian's wit and hotness. PLUS, the books might just surpass VA in the making out department. ;) | Richelle nos dice que encontremos a mas gente para leer Bloodlines porque hay un 50% del sexy Adrian y su ingenio. ADEMÁS, los libros pueden que pasen a los de VA en el departamento de besos. ;)

We need to have an intervention with people who aren't reading Bloodlines yet. Do you realize it's 50% Adrian wit and hotness? And that the series will probably surpass the VA series in making out? You guys. How can we not be okay with this?

Hola a todos les traigo esta noticia gracias a Vampire Academy.Un adelanto de la NG Shadow kiss.

Vampire Academy compartió la foto de Richelle Mead.
Artist Emma Vieceli has given us a sneak peek from the Shadow Kiss graphic novel, which will be out sometime (not sure of the exact date) in 2013. It's Adrian getting pensive with his clove cigarettes. :)

Foto: Artist Emma Vieceli has given us a sneak peek from the Shadow Kiss graphic novel, which will be out sometime (not sure of the exact date) in 2013. It's Adrian getting pensive with his clove cigarettes. :)

Gracias a Vampire Academy tenemos este hermoso adelanto de la NG  de Shadow kiss.
Rose y Dimitri en una imagen para el suspiro colectivo jeje

Shadow Kiss graphic novel, sneak peek: Here’s a moment between Rose and Dimitri.. | Adelanto de la novela gráfica de Bendecida por la Sombra: Aqui un momento entre Dimitri y Rose.

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